

答案:1  悬赏:50  
解决时间 2021-11-09 14:02
  • 提问者网友:风月客
  • 2021-11-08 20:22
  • 二级知识专家网友:拜訪者
  • 2021-11-08 20:37
You have a great teacher because it ripples on heart? You have a care for seniors and comprehension? Did you ever for a friend to help and grateful? No, no, it is because that for granted. It because you never notice, because you have been used to it. Accustomed to teachers for you care, for your friend to pay, but is the most neglected you become a habit that be thankful.China has an adage called "drop of grace, when animals are reported. The others, I can also often me with kindness. Close the fine, over the years, many kindness to surround you and I, along with our growth, that of kindness count, says that way as?Throughout history, through the ages, we have much gratitude for the story, we have the feeling of gratitude by a thread, such as the warming Yang as warmth in our heart, we also have it seems that when we wipe tears when a hazy, never had the hot tears into your heart, I immediately, had a kind of impulse that be thankful, learn to be grateful.Poor college students in the enthusiastic people because of the help and completed their studies, they with gratitude, looking for and kindness, people returns also started to help others work, At the youth volunteers graduating from the country, and they grew up in arms with gratitude to west, participate in troubles, positive response to the party's call for construction in China, a great struggle, Mathematics in a foreign country famous hua luogeng spoiled, but he missed homeland to the people, to return the motherland, resolutely grateful, the train, he will freely in the land of the last bit of wisdom do yourself into dust, until dissolved.The leaves are flying in the sky, knowledge into dust slimes to protect, return the kindness of the tree, and I still know water drips back into the sea, rivers, and you, my sweet as full of wisdom and dominate the people, all you should pick up bit kindness? If the tender moment to notice? Whether this to appreciate rapidly moving? Whether the tear has been blind your eyes that you have not grateful veil? Whether this break since you thought that you have not imprison bitterly moved iron chrome?Heart touched, fine taste of busy life for our ShiEn into the selfless, warm, generous father mother, sincere friendship... Will the scars of life in the warmth of pain, washing, again next. The growth of the past to joy, will drop to shore of fireworks, fills warmth in the sky, decayed...中文:你可曾因老师的一句赞言而心起涟漪?你可曾因长辈的一次关心而有所感悟?你可曾因朋友的一次帮助而心存感激?不,未曾,许是因为认为那是理所当然。许是因为你未曾留意,许是因为你本已习惯。习惯于师长对你的照顾,习惯于朋友对你的付出,可就是忽视了你最该养成的习惯,那就是心怀感恩。中国有句老话叫做“滴水之恩,当涌泉相报”。别人授之我分毫,我自当还之以盛情。闭目细思,这么多年来,有意无意间有多少恩情环绕着你我,伴随着我们的成长,那凝结而成的恩情数得清,称得出,道得尽?纵观历史,古往今来,我们曾为多少感恩的故事所震撼,我们曾为多少感恩的情所动容,当那一丝线温情如暖阳照进我们的心扉时,我们也曾为它潸然泪下,当我们擦拭着朦胧泪眼时,一股从未有过的温泉霎时涌入你我的心中,顿时,便有了一种冲动,那就是心怀感恩,学会感恩。贫因大学生在热心人士的帮助下,完成了学业,他们便怀着感恩之心走南闯北,在寻找并回报好心人士时,自己也开始了帮助他人的工作;刚毕业的青年志愿者在祖国的怀抱中长大,他们便怀着感恩之心涌向西部,投身于艰难困境中,积极响应党的号召,为建设伟大中国而奋斗;数学骄子华罗庚在异国他乡功成名就,但他怀着对国土的眷念,对国人的感激毅然回国,祖国的大地培养了他,他便甘心在这片土地中竭尽自己的最后一丝智慧,直至化作尘土溶于其中。漫天飞舞的树叶,尚知化作尘泥来护根,回报大树的恩情,涓涓而流的细水尚知淌回江河,投向大海的温馨,而你我,作为充满智慧而主宰众生的人,试问,你是否该重新拾起点滴恩情?是否该重新留意片刻温情?是否该重新体味瞬息感动?是否该撕开一直以来蒙蔽你双眼使你未曾心存感激的面纱?是否该挣脱一直以来禁锢你思想使你未曾心怀感动的铁铬?心怀感动,细品繁忙之余生活所倾注给我们的无私师恩,温暖母爱,宽厚父爱,真挚友情……将生活中痛的伤痕在温情的洗涤下淡薄,淡薄,再淡薄。把成长的艰涩化为欢乐,将过往的点滴盛放成彼岸的烟花,在温情的天空中,任其阑珊……