

答案:4  悬赏:10  
解决时间 2021-04-28 08:57
  • 提问者网友:温柔又任性
  • 2021-04-27 11:49
  • 二级知识专家网友:一场云烟
  • 2021-04-27 13:17


1. What letter is like a Pyramid(金字塔)?(A)

What letter is like twelve o’clock? (A d-A-y)

Which letter is most useful to a deaf woman? ( the letter “A”. Because it makes “her” hear.)

2. What letter asks a question? (Y)

3. What letter is an insect (昆虫)?(B, bee)

4. What letter you don’t know? (X)

5. What letter has water ? (C sea)

What letter is a large body of water? (C)

6. What letter is a kind of drink ? (T tea)

What letter is like an island? (T It is in the middle of wa-T-er.)

Which letter is the difference between here and there? ( T)

7. What letter is a part of the head? (I eye)

What letter can see ? (I eye)

8. What letter is not I nor he ? (U you)

9. What letter is like a cake? (O)

What letter is an exclamation (感叹) of surprise? (O)

10. What three letters mean twenty-six letters? (ABC)

11. What letter is like a false friend? (P It’s always first in Pity, but Last in Help.)

What letter is a kind of vegetable? (P pea)

12. What letter is a line? (Q queue)

13. I am first in the last, in the last I am found; In the flower you’ll see me, but not on the ground; In the lily(百合花) and lilac(丁香花) I’m hid; Not seen in the eye, I am known to its lid(眼睑);Indeed, I’m the very first thing on your lip. What am I? (the letter “L”)

What changes a pear into a pearl? ( the letter “L” )

14. Twice in a moment, once in a minute, never in an hour. What is it? (the letter “M”)

15. What part of London is in France? ( the letter “N”)

16. What and who is in the middle of China? ( the letter “ I” )

17. What’s the end of everything? ( the letter “G” )

18. We have it in December, but we don’t have it in any other month. What is it? ( the letter “D”)

19. What’s the most important thing is the world? ( the letter “E”. Because it is first in everything and everybody.)

20. 半个葫芦(大写)(B) 突出重围(大小写)(Cc) 调整工作(大写)(H)

顶天立地(大写)(I) 女儿(大写)(Y) 零的双胞胎(大小写)(O o)

禾苗出土(小写)(r) 连续的弯路(大小写)(Ss) 丁字尺(大写)(T)


  • 1楼网友:你把微笑给了谁
  • 2021-04-27 15:56

1.AOP 二字词 拼命

2.TONGZHI 成语 卷帘格 志同道合

3.XIANG 物品名 组合音响

4.HUI 成语 万念俱灰

5.HUAN 中药名 合欢

  • 2楼网友:瘾与深巷
  • 2021-04-27 14:20
  • 3楼网友:何以畏孤独
  • 2021-04-27 14:01

一座宝塔Aa   半只葫芦Bb 弯弯的月亮Cc 一只耳朵Dd

三合上一Ee 二合上一Ff 一个摇篮 Gg 一减去一Hh

一个哑铃I i 一个拐杖Jj 一张大嘴Kk 一个倒七Ll

两座山峰Mm   一条小虫Nn   一轮红日Oo   一面红旗Pp

一放大镜Qq   小孩做操Rr    一条小蛇Ss  一横一竖Tt

一口水井Uu   胜利象征Vv   倒映山峰Ww 大错特错Xx

三岔路口Yy   貌似数字2Zz
