

答案:3  悬赏:30  
解决时间 2021-04-28 00:33
  • 提问者网友:迷茫庸人
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(1)弹簧压缩最大时,a、b速度相等,设为v1,a、b压缩弹簧过程中,系统动量守恒 mv=2mv1 求得  v1 = v 2  方向与原速度原方向相同. (2)a、b压缩弹簧过程中系统机械能守恒,设压缩最大时弹簧弹性势能为ep,有 1 2 mv2= 1 2 ×2mv12+ep 得     ep= 1 4 mv2 答:(1)b物体速度大小为 v 2 (2)弹簧的最大弹性势能为 1 4 mv2
  • 2楼网友:兮沫♡晨曦
  • 2021-04-27 13:50
Wade James punched the locker room exposure Watched the Mavericks won their country's first championship trophy, the overwhelming criticism relentlessly pound the Heat, but was driven to distraction in the final performance, James is without a doubt the guy standing on the cusp, and after losing his Wade has also been put into a conflict table. Two days ago, ESPN names are written in a burst after the sport is, within the locker room, James Wade straight to the punch. But ironically, "Miami Herald" published a full-page advertisement yesterday to celebrate heat won the Season championship, James is without a doubt inside a handful of salt rubbed the wound. The facial skin of a number of media and fans blamed the small emperor responded fiercely: "Let them laugh go to see how lengthy they are able to pleased! they are available returning to reality ultimately. I'm searching to fail the individuals who usually Get up one day, their individual issues won't change because of my failure, I'll continue my life. "Finals Game two from your Miami Heat was reversed calf started, there was clearly an odd phenomenon, as long as Wade on the court, James could be customary "misfiring" in between the 2 with nearly no attack. Within the finals following the conclusion of Game three, James Wade as well as publicly criticized,five finger, though within the postgame news conference, James "humble"to acknowledge Wade criticized reasonable, but clearly their relationship after A subtle change,fivefingers vibram, they are not harmonized. ESPN columnist Broken Sad day before yesterday in their own individual micro-Bo broke this news the contradiction in between James and Wade had come to the aim of irreconcilable,five fingers, Game 6 from the finals after the 2 started in the locker room Quarrel,five fingers shoes, James Wade right to the punch. Heat the interior strife began. "While Broken Sad immediately be explained, stating that there's a great thing for fans pretending to be their very own micro-blog of the hair, he did not know, but you will find indications that the conflict in between James and Wade are not groundless.