

答案:1  悬赏:40  
解决时间 2021-01-17 22:25
  • 提问者网友:温柔港
  • 2021-01-17 13:40
  • 二级知识专家网友:零点过十分
  • 2021-01-17 14:33
Once upon a time there was a Pygmalion Mason, one day, he found a big stone, he suddenly, the stone into a goddess in his heart. Soon, he was finished, he looked at this piece of work, not from exclamation statue of beauty. After a long period of appreciation, he found that he had past hope fell in love with her. This made him very upset, I cannot and stone together, so he begged the Cupid turned it into reality, but he has not promised. But Pygmlion does not have to give up the love she. He every day and night. In addition to guard in the stone statue, is for Cubitt.追问亲,是自己翻译的么?追答是啊你想累死我啊给好评吧下面的全翻译追问嘻嘻,是你自己翻译的么!嘻嘻,是你自己翻译的么!翻译完了肯定会给好评的啦亲,你还在么,不能见死不救呀追答从最终开始翻译的Finally, God was touched by him, he promised to realize his desire, but raised a requirement: they can only see once a year. In the face of such requirements, Pygmalion hesitated, but agreed to end.
They love each other, but at the same time also endure the pain of separation!追问没收到追答从最终开始翻译的Finally, God was touched by him, he promised to realize his desire, but raised a requirement: they can only see once a year. In the face of such requirements, Pygmalion hesitated, but agreed to end.
They love each other, but at the same time also endure the pain of separation!追问谢谢追答不客气不客气追问你英语太好了吧追答一般要是我妹妹早翻译完了追问下次有问题还可以找你么追答她六岁就能对话了嗯!互相的追问你还在读书么?追答我毕业了追问惊讶中大爱你,我要先去copy它咯追答OK