

答案:2  悬赏:20  
解决时间 2021-01-13 22:55
  • 提问者网友:轻浮
  • 2021-01-13 01:58
  • 二级知识专家网友:洒脱疯子
  • 2021-01-13 03:27
1. obstinate : not willing to be reasonable and
change your plans, ideas, or behavior指无理地固执已见或听不进他人忠告、意见等顽固性格。
I now see that my obstinate refusal caused problems for everyone.

2. stubborn: very difficult to change or defeat
A donkey is a stubborn
After a stubborn
resistance the enemy was fought off at last.



坚硬的; 不易弯曲的; 坚固的; 严格的
not willing to change your ideas, attitudes, opinions, etc.:
eg:Both sides have
remained rigid in their resolve.
His rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.
  • 1楼网友:慢性怪人
  • 2021-01-13 04:20
形容词 adj.
1.固执的;顽固的, 倔强的
He continued to be obstinate.
He is so obstinate that he still tries to defend his theory,although it has been proved wrong.
She’s too obstinate to let anyone help her.
她太倔强了, 不会让任何人帮她的。
2.难克服的, 不易去除的
adj. 顽固的;固执的;难于控制的;方头不劣
网 络
顽固的; 拘泥于; 固执; 固执的
(1) 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词固执的;执拗的;倔强的 If you describe someone as obstinate, you are being critical of them because they are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else.
He is obstinate and determined and will not give up... 他非常顽固,而且又铁了心,是不会放弃的。
She was a wicked and obstinate child. 她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。
I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone... 我执意呆在房间里,坐在电话机旁边。
Smith obstinately refused to carry out the order. 史密斯我行我素,拒不执行命令。
I might have become a dangerous man with all that stubbornness and obstinacy built into me. 我若是养就了那种根深蒂固的犟脾气,也许就成了危险分子。
能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词难以移动的;难以改变的;难以消除的 You can describe things as obstinate when they are difficult to move, change, or destroy.
...rusted farm equipment strewn among the obstinate weeds. 扔在恣意蔓生的杂草丛中的锈迹斑斑的农具
...the door of the shop which obstinately stayed closed when he tried to push it open. 他怎么使劲也推不开的店门
obstinate, stubborn
obstinate: 指无理地固执已见或听不进他人忠告、意见等顽固性格。
stubborn: 用于褒义指坚定不移,执意顽强;用于贬义指固执已见,侧重生性固执。
1. He can be very obstinate when he wants to be! 他的犟劲儿一上来,简直执拗得要命!
2. He continued to be obstinate. 他依旧固执。
3. She's too obstinate to let anyone help her. 她太倔强了,不会让任何人帮她的。
4. The trader was obstinate in the negotiation. 这个商人在谈判中拗强固执。
5. He is very obstinate; you won't be able to make him change his mind. 他这个人脾气犟,你可拗不过他。
6. He is so obstinate that he still tries to defend his theory,although it has been proved wrong. 他固执极了,尽管他的理论已被证明是错的,可他还在设法为其辩护。
7. Fathers were ridiculous: his own obstinate one supremely so. 父辈的人都是可笑的,他自己的顽固的父亲,尤其可笑。
8. Second, you really are your father's son, getting more and more obstinate." 第二,你真是你父亲的儿子,愈来愈顽固。”
9. He is obstinate and determined and will not give up. 他非常顽固,而且又铁了心,是不会放弃的。
10. She was a wicked and obstinate child. 她是个淘气又执拗的孩子。
11. The third, a long-legged creature, was more obstinate and agile. 第三只却因为腿长,更倔强,更俏利。
12. He returned frowning, his face obstinate but whistling jauntily. 他回来时皱眉蹙额,板着脸,嘴上却快活地吹着口哨。
13. The old man was in bed with an obstinate disease. 这老人因痼疾已卧床很久了。
14. But she was, in reality, self-willed, vain and obstinate. 但在骨子里,她却是刚愎、执拗而且爱虚荣的。
15. The obstinate child refused to answer. 这固执的孩子拒绝回答。
16. She was as obstinate as a mule. 她十分固执。
17. The old man is always blind obstinate. 那个老汉总是盲目地固执。
18. Americans, while occasionally willing to be serfs, have always been obstinate about being peasantry. 美国人虽然愿意、甚至渴望去当农奴,可是一向是坚决不肯当乡下佬的。
19. But you, obstinate creature that you are, are still refusing to sell us your fine beasts." 可是你这位太太也实在固执,至今还不同意把你的好马卖给我们。
20. Catching sight of Mammy's burden, Scarlett's expression changed from one of minor irritation to obstinate belligerency. 一看见嬷嬷手上的东西,思嘉那颇为恼火的神气便立即变得非要大干一仗不可了
形容词 adj.
1.顽固的; 固执的
He is a stubborn child.
stubborn pride
形容词 adj.
1.刚硬的; 僵硬的; 不弯曲的
We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework.
She was rigid with fear.
2.严格的; 死板的; 不变的
He is rigid about points of procedure.
4. 固执的;僵化的;一成不变的
rigid, strict, rigorous
rigid: 指没有灵活性、机动性。
strict: 指在行为规则上要求严格。
rigorous: 侧重指严格到毫不宽容的地步。
The curriculum was too narrow and too rigid. 课程设置过于狭窄和死板。
2. We just need a tent supported on a rigid framework. 我们正需要一座有坚硬架子支撑的帐篷。
3. There is a rigid hierarchy of power in that country. 那个国家有一套严密的权力等级制度。
4. The examination was so rigid that nearly all aspirants were ruled out. 考试很严,几乎所有的考生都被淘汰了。
5. He is rigid about points of procedure. 他坚持议事程序上的要点。
6. An entirely rigid system is impractical. 一套完全死板的体制是不实际的。
7. She was rigid with fear. 她害怕得全身僵住了。
8. Don't make rigid restrictions; allow a certain latitude. 不要限得太死,要有点灵活性。
9. Too rigid parental control fosters rebellion in children. 父母管教过严会促使子女反抗。
10. She became as rigid as adamant. 她变得如顽石般的固执。
11. The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette,which may seem artificial to foreigners. 日本人有一套严格的礼仪,这在外国人看来可能是矫揉造作的。
12. In the times of the emperors, the formality within the Forbidden City was rigid beyond belief. 在帝王时代, 紫禁城内的礼仪异常严格,令人难以置信。
13. The annealed walls froze all the rigid grief of the actress. 上了釉的墙壁凝冻了这位女演员的一切死板的哀伤。
14. He is a man of very rigid principles. 他是一个原则性很强的人。
15. These plates are fairly rigid. 这些盘子非常坚硬。
16. Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid. 医院中护士的日常工作非常刻板。
17. The girl slimmed her figure with a rigid diet. 那女孩严格节食将体重减了下来。
18. He stood for one moment, his hands rigid at his sides. 他站了一会儿,双手直僵僵地垂在身边。
19. A very rigid disease monitoring system is essential in such enterprises. 这种企业必须有一种非常严密的疾病监测系统。
20. Primers may be any of the common rigid film formers. 预涂层可以是任何常用的刚性成膜剂。