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解决时间 2021-04-28 13:29
  • 提问者网友:南佳人~
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  • 二级知识专家网友:有钳、任性
  • 2021-04-28 01:32
  • 1楼网友:厭世為王
  • 2021-04-28 03:05
英国的文艺复兴? .....意大利? 不知道这些资料是不是你要找的那种... Renaissance(文艺复兴) In the mid-1300s,a bold new spirit began in the cities of Italy and then spread throughout Europe.This time is known as the Renaissance.Renaissance means "rebirth".This era produced great achievements in the arts and science.It also challenged the power of the Chrch,beginning a movement for religious change know as the Reformation. 14世纪中期,一股大胆的新思潮在意大利的一些城市中产生,并且之后席卷了整个欧洲。这一时期便是熟知的文艺复兴时期。文艺复兴意味着复兴。这一时代在艺术和科学上造就了巨大的成就。它同样也挑战了教会的权利,开始了一场有关宗教的改变的运动,也就是宗教改革运动。 The "rebirth" that occurred during the Renaissance resulted from renewed interest in the cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.This study of these cultures led to a new outlook known as humanism that changed people's thinking in Europe in important ways.The Middle Ages,the period that came before the Renaissance,had stressed human dependence on God and the importance of spiritual life. 发生在文艺复兴时期的复兴引发了对于古希腊和古罗马文化重新开始的的兴趣。对于这些文化的研究导致了一个新气象的产生,就是为人们所熟知的人文主义,这在某些重要的方式上也改变了人们对于欧洲的思考。中世纪,一个在文艺复兴前的时期,逼迫人们对于上帝依赖以及对于精神生活的重要性。 By contrast,the humanists celebrated human freedom and the joys of this world.They believe that there were no limits to what human beings could accomplish.As one humanist claimed,"Men can do all things if they will." 相反,人文主义者庆祝人们的自由和这个世界的欢乐。他们相信没有什么限制能够阻止人们去完成什么。就像一个人文主义者声称的那样“只要人们愿意,那么他们可以做一切的事。” The Renaissance began in the 1300s in the independent Italian city-states,which were made up of a city and the surrounding territory it ruled. 文艺复兴开始于14世纪的意大利的一些独立的城邦,以及它所管辖的一些周围的领地。 Many of these city-states,such as Florence,Venice,and Milan,had grown rich from the increase of trade during the late Middle Ages.Using their wealth from trade,the Italian city-states beautified their churches,palaces,and other public buildings with great works of art. 许多这样的城市,诸如佛罗伦萨,威尼斯和米兰,在中世纪后期凭借着曰益增加的贸易变的富裕。利用从贸易中得到的财富,这些意大利的城邦用伟大的艺术品去美化他们的教堂,宫殿以及别的公共建筑。 The Renaissance produced an extraordinary flowering of the arts.It gave artists new subjects for their art and new styles in whinch to work.In particular,painters and scultors made their works far more realistic than the art of the Middle Ages had been. 文艺复兴制造了非凡的艺术之花。这给赋予了艺术家对于艺术的新的主题以及在他们工作中新的风格。特别是,画家和雕塑家使得他们的作品与中世纪的相比显得更写实。 Great changes also took place in the sciences.In the Middle Ages,the Church had closely controlled the advancemnt of science,limiting research and experiment. 巨大的变化同样也在科学领域发生。在中世纪,教会密切控制着科技的发展,限制研究和实验。 During the Renaissance, there were challenges to this control.New scientific instruments were invented,such as the telescope.Using these inventions,scientists made discoveries that prompted them to propose bold new theories about the world around them.Another invention,the printing press,helped spread the ideas and works of Renaissance thinkers,writers,and scientists throughout Europe.As books became more available,the number of people able to read increased greatly. 在文艺复兴时期,有很多对于教会控制的挑战。新的科学仪器被发明,诸如望远镜。通过使用这些仪器,科学家们有了新发现,这促进他们对于周遭的世界提出一系列新的理论。另一个发明就是印刷技术,这促进了文艺复兴时期整个欧洲的思想家,作家以及科学家的思想以及作品的传播。因为书籍变的更容易得到,大量的人群能够越来越频繁的阅读到书籍。 The spread of humanism and reading began the Reformation,a movement for change in the Catholic Church.Because the reformers in this movement were protesting waht they saw as evils in the Church,they became known as Protestants.Protestant groups across Europe first sought change in the existing Catholic Church,but later formed new Christian churched of their own. 人文主义的传播以及阅读造成了宗教改革运动,一项为了改变天主教的运动。因为改革家在这次运动中反对他们在教会中看到的一些丑陋的东西,他们成为了被熟知的新教徒。新教团体穿越欧洲,第一次在存在的天主教会中寻找改变,但是稍后形成了他们自己的基督教堂。 By the early 1600s,the Renaissance spirit began to decline.However,this period produced a rich and lasting heritage of thought,art,literate,and science that has had a huge effect on world history and modern culture. 在17世纪早期,文艺复兴精神开始减退。然而,这段时期产生了大量的有关思想、艺术、文学和科学的宝贵遗产,这对世界历史以及现代文化都产生了巨大的影响 详尽一些的话.去参考资料网址里找找看吧.