

答案:6  悬赏:20  
解决时间 2021-01-14 21:22
  • 提问者网友:且恨且铭记
  • 2021-01-14 07:36
  • 二级知识专家网友:轮獄道
  • 2021-01-14 07:47
Larry Daley is an unemployed, divorced man stays in New York. His son Nick is very disappointed with his father. Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired. In his first nightshift, Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night. When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him, the three old guards break in the museum to steal an old Egyptian magic stone. Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.

拉里是一个失业并且离了婚的男人。 他的儿子尼克对他的父亲感到非常失望。 拉里在自然历史博物馆中代替那三个才退休的老保安人员做守夜人的工作.在他的第一个夜班中,拉里了解到博物馆中的每件事物。当拉里带着他的儿子和他一起度过一个夜晚的时候, 这三个看守人闯入博物馆偷一块古埃及魔术石头.拉里组织历史上著名人物帮助他逮捕罪犯而且解救博物馆。

  • 1楼网友:深街酒徒
  • 2021-01-14 12:49
When Larry Daley, a divorced father who can't seem to keep a job for more than a week, applies for a job at the Museum of Natural History, he is assigned as a night guard. However, a seemingly easy job turns out to be a wild ride when he finds that an ancient curse has caused the "inhabitants" of the museum to come to life.
拉里是一位志大才疏的空想家,不甘心在博物馆里当守夜人,整天幻想着天降大任,能干点惊天动地的大事儿。一个神奇的夜晚,大事临头,正在值夜班的傻小子突然发现博物馆里的展品全都成了活物,暴龙的化石骨架开始晃动,史前的猛犸象标本睁开双眼,玛雅人、罗马战士、西部牛仔摆开阵势对决…… 《博物馆之夜》讲述一个博物馆由于保管了埃及的一个神奇拼图板而使博物馆内的展品全都成了活物,由于夜班的管理员管理不当,而是这些大闹博物馆。
  • 2楼网友:长青诗
  • 2021-01-14 11:50
In New York, the unemployed divorced Larry Daley is a complete loser. His son Nick is very disappointed with his father that is gong to be evicted, and Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired to raise some money and pay his bills. In his first nightshift, Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night. The Museum transforms in a complete chaos with the inexperienced Larry, and he learns that since an old Egyptian stone came to the Museum in 1950, the was statues comes to life until dawn. When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him, the three old guards break in the Museum to stole the magic stone. Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.
  • 3楼网友:青灯有味
  • 2021-01-14 11:19
Larry Daley is an unemployed, divorced man stays in New York. His son Nick is very disappointed with his father. Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired. In his first nightshift, Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night. When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him, the three old guards break in the museum to steal an old Egyptian magic stone. Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.
  • 4楼网友:上分大魔王
  • 2021-01-14 10:40
  Larry Daley is an unemployed, divorced man stays in New York. His son Nick is very disappointed with his father. Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired. In his first nightshift, Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night. When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him, the three old guards break in the museum to steal an old Egyptian magic stone. Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.
  • 5楼网友:轮獄道
  • 2021-01-14 09:05
In New York,the unemployed divorced Larry Daley is a complete loser.His son Nick is very disappointed with his father that is gong to be evicted,and Larry accepts the job of night watchman in the Museum of Natural History as the substituted for three old security guards that have just retired to raise some money and pay his bills.In his first nightshift,Larry realizes that everything at the museum comes to life at night.The Museum transforms in a complete chaos with the inexperienced Larry,and he learns that since an old Egyptian stone came to the Museum in 1950,the was statues comes to life until dawn.When Larry brings his son to spend a night with him,the three old guards break in the Museum to stole the magic stone.Larry organizes the historic characters to help him to arrest the criminals and save the museum.Written by Claudio Carvalho,Rio de Janeiro,Brazil
When Larry Daley,a divorced father who can't seem to keep a job for more than a week,applies for a job at the Museum of Natural History,he is assigned as a night guard.However,a seemingly easy job turns out to be a wild ride when he finds that an ancient curse has caused the "inhabitants" of the museum to come to life.