

答案:1  悬赏:70  
解决时间 2021-04-27 11:53
  • 提问者网友:月葬花瑰
  • 2021-04-26 15:00
以前有一只飞蛾,它每天快乐的飞翔在黑夜里,它看不见什么东西。什么事都是凭感觉,但它还是快乐!直到有一天,它遇上了一团火焰,它看见你。那红红的在眼前跳动,但它没看清楚。就算看也看不清楚,只觉得那团火好美丽,好灿烂!那天以后,飞蛾天天都想起那团火焰。想起它发美丽,它的灿烂。。。。终于它忍不住想仔细看一看火焰,想真真拥抱它。在一个晚上,没有星星和月亮的晚上,飞蛾从家里出发去寻找火焰!它跌跌撞撞的飞,当它看见火焰的时候,它说不出的高兴!它用尽全身力气飞向了火焰,终于它清楚的看见了火焰的全貌,正当它想拥抱一下火焰的时候。它发现自己身上已经起火了。它没力气再向火焰迈进一步。就这样带着满身的伤痕狠狠的跌在地上,它甚至没看见火焰的任何表情。火焰还是在那里跳动,还是那样的美丽和灿烂!就在飞蛾奄奄一息的时候,走过来一个老人。他看着飞蛾,摇头问道:“蛾儿,蛾儿,你怎么这样的傻拉,你知道吗?那是一团火啊!它会要你命的,你看你现在这样,后悔了吗??为什么你要那样的傻,值得吗??” 飞蛾听了,勉强的笑了笑,说出放在心里的话:“我知道我的下场就是这样!我就是忍不着想看看它的样子,想抱抱它,对它说我爱你。但没机会说出这3个字来了。不过我在和它近距离接触的那一刹那,我真的看清楚了它的样子拉,它真的好美丽。虽然就只有一下,我也满足了,也许它会记得我来。它真的好美丽,好美丽。。。。”说完飞蛾慢慢的闭上了眼睛,永远的闭上了,是带着微笑的。。。。故事没有开始,更没有结局!我好想把故事的结局写得更完美一点。但我做不到。有件事情飞蛾它到死都没明白,它和火焰之间,有多大的差距。每天不知道有多少的飞蛾飞向那团火焰,火焰又怎么会记得它来。飞蛾就是飞蛾,火焰就是火焰,根本就不会有在一起的可能。事情也许就像飞蛾说的那样完美,这辈子它遇上的爱。
  • 二级知识专家网友:走,耍流氓去
  • 2021-04-26 16:28
There was a moth before it a happy day, flying in the night, it
could not see anything. What are the seat of your pants, it's fun! One day it
met a group flame, it see you. Jumping in front of that red, but it did not see
clearly. Even if the watch could not see, only to find that fire is good
beautiful, so bright! After that day, every day think of moths that the flame.
Think it made beautiful, it's brilliant. . . . Finally it could not help but
want to carefully look at the flame, Barbara would like to embrace it. In a
night without moon and stars at night, moths from home to find flames! It
stumbled in the fly, when it saw the flame when it can not tell the happy! It
took all effort to fly to the flame, and finally it is clear to see the flame of
the picture, when it wants to hug when the flame. It has found himself on fire.
It did not efforts to step back to the flame. It was so covered with scars down
fiercely on the ground, it did not even see the flame of any expression. Where
the flame is still beating, still as beautiful and brilliant! When dying in
moths, came an old man. He looked at moths, shaking his head asked: "moth
children, moth children, how do you pull such a stupid, you know? It was a ball
of fire ah! It will be your life, you think you are doing now and regret it
you?? Why do you want that kind of silly, worth it?? "moth hearing, reluctant
smile, to say the words in my heart:" I know my end is it! I just look at it,
stand the sake of look like, want to hold it, it said I love you. but no
opportunity to say that three words came. But I and its close contacts in the
moment, I really look at the way it pulled It is really good beautiful. Although
only about, I also met, maybe it will remember me. It is really good beautiful,
beautiful 。。。。" good finish moth slowly closed his eyes forever closed, is
smiling. . . . The story did not begin, nor end! I want a good story written in
a more perfect ending point. But I can not. Moths are things no understand it to
death, between it and the flame, how much difference. Do not know how many a day
flying moth that the flame, the flame, how will remember it for. Moth is a moth,
the flame is the flame, there may not be together. Perhaps something like the
moth that's so perfect, it met the love of this life.