

答案:1  悬赏:20  
解决时间 2021-01-14 04:48
  • 提问者网友:流星是天使的眼泪
  • 2021-01-13 09:31
  • 二级知识专家网友:千夜
  • 2021-01-13 10:37
体裁:记叙文 词数:89 难度系数:★★
Today I go to Mr Cool’s Clothes Store with my mother. You can
buy shirts, pants, shorts...in this store. It has lots of T-shirts for boys
and girls. Some of are nice and they are not expensive. I also see some
skirts. I like them very much. They are in black, green, and white. I meet
my English teacher Mr Liu in the store. He is Mr Cool’s friend. With his help, my mother buys a white T—shirt and black skirt for only 50 yuan. We’re very happy.
( ) 1. I go shopping withtoday.
A. my motherB. my teacherC. my father
( ) 2. There are manyfor boys and girls in the store.
A. skirtsB. shortsC. T—shirts
( ) 3. Some of the T—shirts are nice and .
A. expensiveB. cheapC. big
( ) 4.Mr Cool’s friend.
A. I am B. My mother isC.My English teacher is
( ) 5. Withhelp, my mother buys a white T—shirt and a black skirt.
A. my B. Mr Cool’sC. My English teacher’s

主题: 某个音像店进行了冬季促销活动,对所有的光碟进行了大降价,赶快去看一下吧!
体裁:广告词 词数:93 难度系数:★★★

The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD,VCD and DVD, POP MUSIC, ROCK, JAZZ, DISCO, COUNTRY& MOVIES

$ 9.5 $ 8.9
$ 11 $ 9.5
$ 13.9 $ 11.2
Sale starts on December 22 and ends on December 30.
No telephone or e-mail orders(订购)during the sale.
Open hours: Monday to Friday9∶00 am to 8∶00 pm
Saturday to Sunday10∶00 am to 6∶00 pm
Address: 108 Culture Street
()1. The shop _______.
A. sells CDs onlyB. is having a sale on everything
C. is having a sale on CD, VCD and DVDD. is closed
()2. ______are on sale.
A. Only rock CDs B. Only jazz and country DVD
C. Only movies VCDs D. All of them
()3. You may pay $8.90 for a music CD on December 22.
How much should you pay for the same CD on November 30th?
A. $ 8.90. B. $ 0.60. C. $ 9.50. D. We don't know.
()4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. You should go to the shop for the CDs, VCDs and DVDs by yourself.
B. You can make a phone call to order the things you want.
C. You can order(订购) through Internet.
D. You can write a letter to order CDs or something.
()5. You can buy CDs_____ .
A. at 8 am Thursday evening
B. at any time from Monday to Sunday
C. at 8 o’clock Saturday morning
D. at 8 o’clock Sunday evening
My friends, when you want to buy something, where will
you go? To the supermarket or other places?
Here is a new way to go shopping. This is online shopping.
It is easy and quick for you to go shopping online. Just click
your mouse (鼠标), then you can choose what you like. You needn’t come out of your room. At the same time, the goods are nice and cheap here.
Please try it. It may be an interesting experience! And it will even be a part of your life.
1.shopping is a new way to go shopping.
2. It is and quick for you to go shopping online.
3. You needn’t come of your room if you go shopping online.
4. At the same time, the goods are nice and nothere.
5. Online shopping may be an interesting !
体裁:说明文 词数:115 难度系数:★★★
There is a big shop near my home. It sells a lot of things.
From the shop I can buy many school things, like pens, pencils,
rulers, erasers and exercise-books. I can also buy some food and
drink, like cakes, apples, bananas and oranges.
The shop is open from 9:00 in the morning to 20:00
in the evening every day. People in the shop are very friendly.
I can buy things on my way home. I often help my father and
mother buy things in the shop. My father wants to buy a fridge.
I find a very good fridge. It is big, but it is not dear. It’s 1800 yuan. We like it very much.
() 1.The shop is.
A. near my home B. near my school C. very far
() 2.The shop is open .
A. in the morning B. every day C. in the afternoon
( ) 3. I often helpbuy things in the shop.
A. my motherB. my father C. my father and mother
( ) 4.The shop is open for about hours.
A. nineB. elevenC. twenty
( ) 5. Te word “dear” means.
A. cheap B. goodC. expensive

体裁:记叙文 词数:174 难度系数:★★★★
One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to go shopping.
They went to the supermarket in the new shopping mall (购物中心).
“Why do you buy things here, Mum?” Truly asked.
“Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store.”
Mrs Wilson said. “Help me check (检查)the prices.”
The Wilson were not wealthy (富有的) and Mrs Wilson was
always careful with her money. She looked carefully at the prices of things. She bought some groceries (杂货) in the supermarket.
When they got home, the children said, “We don’t think you saved money by going to the supermarket there.”
“Of course I did.” Said Mrs Wilson, “everything was cheap there.”
“We know,” said the children,” but we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry. The cost (花费)of the taxi was more than the money you saved!”
Mrs Wilson added everything up and found her children were right.
“Well done,” she said, “next time we will do shopping near our home.”
() 1. One day Mrs Wilson took Trudy and Ben to the supermarket in the new shopping mall.()2. The things in the supermarket are cheaper than those at the corner store
( ) 3. Mrs Wilson saved money by going to the supermarket there.
( ) 4. They came home by taxi because they wanted to save money.
( ) 5. The Wilson were so poor that Mrs Wilson was always careful with her money.

Sang Lan May Appear in Pingpong Games
Twenty-two-year-old Chinese woman gymnast Sang Lan, who broke her neck at Goodwill Games in 1998, has lately expressed the desire to take up table tennis as her second sport profession and hopes to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games.
“I will return to competition in 2008. A gold medal in Beijing Olympics is all I want.” Sang said.
In the past Paralymic Games, those who have lost their hands still have the ability to play with an arm. So long as she has the will to take up pingpong games, according to Sang Lan, she may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade, according to Paralympic medical classification.
1. What sport did Sang Lan play before?
A. tennis B. table tennis C. gymnasticsD. pingpong
2. Why didn’t she go on her sport profession?
A. Because she found pingpong more interesting.
B. Because she didn’t like it any more.
C. Because she will take part in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
D. Because she broke her neck and couldn’t play any more.
3. The Paralympic Games is ____.
A. the Olympic Games for people with no hands
B. the Olympic Games for people with disabilities(残疾).
C. held in Beijing in 2008D. liked by Sang Lan
4. SangLan hopes _____.
A. to get better soonB. to take part in 2008 Beijing Olympics
C. to take part in 2008 Paralympic Games.
D. to play at Goodwill Games again
5. Which of the following sentence is true?
A. Snag Lan broke her neck at the Olympic Games in 1998.
B. Sang Lan has taken up table tennis.
C. Sang Lan will win a gold medal in Beijing Olympics
D. Sang Lan may join in like matches with opponents of her same grade.

我的成绩: 我的收获
1. A man without money is no man at all. 一分钱难倒英雄汉。
2. Even reckoning makes long friends.亲兄弟,明算账。
3. Honesty is the best policy. 做人诚信为本。
4. Time is money. 时间就是金钱。
1. A【解析】由文中的一句可知是和妈妈去购物。
2. C【解析】细节判断题。由第三句It has lots of T—shirts for boys and girls可知。
3. B【解析】词义理解题。根据Some of are nice and they are not expensive.且not expensive为cheap之意。
4. C【解析】由此句I meet my English teacher Mr Liu in the store. He is Mr Cool’s friend.可知。
5. C【解析】逻辑推理题。由于前面说到遇见了英语老师,接着说在他的帮助下,故可推出是在老师的帮助下。
1. C 【解析】 细节判断题。由广告词的第一句话The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD,VCD and DVD,可知。
2. D【解析】细节判断题。由广告词的第一句话The Video Shop’s Winter Sale (大减价) on every CD,VCD and DVD, ROCK, JAZZ, DISCO, COUNTRY& MOVIES可知。
3. C【解析】综合理解题。由降价的时间及降价前后的商品价格表可知,在十二月二十二日块卖8.9美元的商品在降价前是卖9.5美元,可知应选C。
4. A【解析】 语句理解题。根据此句No telephone or e-mail orders(订购)during the sale.可知应选A。
5. A 【解析】细节判断题。此题是考查对时间的理解,根据四个选项句意及短文中的时间可知只有A正确。
3.【解析】由第二段第五句You needn’t come out of your room.可知答案是out。
4.【解析】由第二段最后一句At the same time, the goods are nice and cheap here. 再由由于cheap即not expensive. 故答案是expensive.
1. A 【解析】由短文第一句There is a big shop near my home.可知。
2. B【解析】细节判断题。由The shop is open from 9:00 in the morning to 20:00 in the evening every day.可知是说营业是每天从早上九点到下午八点。
3. C【解析】由第二段第四句I often help my father and mother buy things in the shop.可知。
4. B【解析】简单计算题。根据本句The shop is open from 9:00 in the morning to 20:00 in the evening every day.计算可知。
5. C【解析】词义理解题。根据前面提到好冰箱并且很大,而又由but转折推出“不贵”。
1. T【解析】根据首段可知此句正确。
2. T【解析】由第三段答语“Because they are cheaper than those at the corner store.”可知。
3. F【解析】由文中The cost (花费)of the taxi was more than the money you saved!可知没省钱。
4. F【解析】根据文中we came home by taxi because we had too much to carry可知不正确。
5. T【解析】词义理解题。由句子The Wilson were not wealthy (富有的) and Mrs Wilson was
always careful with her money. 中not wealthy 意思就是poor, 故正确。