

答案:2  悬赏:50  
解决时间 2021-04-28 03:09
  • 提问者网友:猖狂醉薇
  • 2021-04-27 14:51

1林肯所接受的学校教育全部加起来不超过一年(add up to)

2他的家人为他在伊拉克的安全而担忧(be concerned about)

3我的电脑坏了,我得请人修理一下(get sth down)

4意大利赢了世界杯。要是意大利人平静下来很难的(calm down)

5她成天躲在办公室了上网聊天(hide away)

6他把老师在课堂上所讲的一切记了下来(set down)

7为了绿化我们的城市,我们必须多种树(in order to)

8这是我一年来第一次感到真正的轻松(it is that)

9这些男孩热衷于摇滚音乐(be crazy about )

10警察通过无线电互相联络(communicate with)

11我和你有相同的观点(the same as)

12我们要利用一切机会说英语(make use of)

13 30名乘客受伤。包括5个孩子(include)

14我喜欢他解决问题的方法(the way in which)

15联合国在国际关系方面扮演着重要的角色(play ... role)

16他走到我跟前来征求我的意见(come up to)

17经理因交通堵塞而开会迟到(because of)


19他会说几种外语,比如英语,法语和日语(such as )


  • 二级知识专家网友:心与口不同
  • 2021-04-27 15:48

1林肯所接受的学校教育全部加起来不超过一年(add up to)

The schooling which Lincoln had added up to not more than one year.

2他的家人为他在伊拉克的安全而担忧(be concerned about)

His family are concerned about his safety in Iraq.

3我的电脑坏了,我得请人修理一下(get sth down)

My computer doesn't work. I have to get it repaired.

4意大利赢了世界杯。要是意大利人平静下来很难的(calm down)

Italia won the World Cup. It is difficult to make Italians calm down.

5她成天躲在办公室了上网聊天(hide away)

She alwanys hides away in the office and chats online all day.

6他把老师在课堂上所讲的一切记了下来(set down)

He set down everything that the teacher taught in class.

7为了绿化我们的城市,我们必须多种树(in order to)

In order to make our city beautiful, we must plant more trees.

8这是我一年来第一次感到真正的轻松(it is that)

It is my first time that I felt relaxed really.

9这些男孩热衷于摇滚音乐(be crazy about )

The boys are crazy about rock music.

10警察通过无线电互相联络(communicate with)

The police communicate with each other by wireless phones.

11我和你有相同的观点(the same as)

I have the same opinion as you.

12我们要利用一切机会说英语(make use of)

We will makefull use of chance to speak English.

13 30名乘客受伤。包括5个孩子(include)

Thirty passengers were injuried including five children.

14我喜欢他解决问题的方法(the way in which)

I like the way in which he solved the problems.

15联合国在国际关系方面扮演着重要的角色(play ... role)

The UN plays an important role in the International relationship.

16他走到我跟前来征求我的意见(come up to)

He came up to me for advice.

17经理因交通堵塞而开会迟到(because of)

The manager was late for the meeting because of the traffic jam.


Though we haven't seen Mary for ten years, I recognized her.

19他会说几种外语,比如英语,法语和日语(such as )

He can speak several foreign languages, such as English, French and Japanese.


Most parents expect their children to go to college.

  • 1楼网友:一身浪痞味
  • 2021-04-27 16:37
1.The school education that Lincon got adds up to less than one year. 2.His family are concerned about his safety in Iraq. 3.My computer doesn't work. I have to ask someone to get it down. 4.It is hard to make the Italians calm down as they have just won the World Cup. 5.She hides away in the office chatting on-line all day long. 6.He set down everything the teacher said in the class. 7.In order to afforest our city, we must plant many trees 8.It is the first time that I really relaxed. 9.These boys are crazy about rock music. 10.The police communicate with each other with radios. 11.My opinion is the same as yours. 12.We should make full use of every chance to speak English. 13.Thirty passengers are injured, including five children. 14.I like the way in which he solve problems. 15.The United Nations plays an important role in dealing with the international relationship. 16.He comes up to me for suggestions. 17.The manager was late for the meeting because of the traffic jam. 18.I recognized Mary though I hadn't seen her for 10 years. 19.He can speak several kinds of languages, such as English, French and Japanese. 20.Most parents expecet their children to go to college.