

答案:1  悬赏:0  
解决时间 2021-04-28 07:09
  • 提问者网友:伪善人独行者
  • 2021-04-27 13:23


终将扑向光明 倒逆之蝶 与你相交断发 与此镜中 上课中的长廊 足音回荡 此刻所感 如此耀眼夺目 亦可为芳华 抑或为毒果 唯愿 将曾几何时的晴朗 与今日之雨色 紧密相连 In this Craziness,Uncertainty 世间众生之愿 我们能够将其留于何处? IN this Craziness,You gave me life 心中这份愿望 我们又能将其守至何时? 你是否还记得 那只倒逆之蝶 传说中的通信 不过一场幻梦 诺被卷入洪流 只需奋力游起 人间不绝之声 却如惊涛骇浪 世代传承深信不疑的旋律 却温柔得仿佛要催人泪下 在此恒久不曾停息的雨中 依旧心怀对於未来的期盼 In this Craziness,Uncertainty 世间众生之相 我们能够将其留于何处? IN this Craziness,You gave me life 而各自的模样 我们又能将其守至何时? 有些想法其实并不愿说出口 无论世人怎样伸手探求 也无法触及他人心底的某些场所 这种不可告人的想法却是我所喜欢 无论是什麽时候 也不在乎有何意义 In this Craziness,Uncertainty世间众生的向往 IN this Craziness,You gave me life凝成一束光芒 In this Craziness,Uncertainty世间众生的心跳 IN this Craziness,You gave me life汇作一瞬感动 In this Craziness,Uncertainty世间众生的目光 IN this Craziness,You gave me life造就一次偶然 In this Craziness,Uncertainty世间众生的温暖 IN this Craziness,You gave me life化为一个约定 命中注定的分离


  • 二级知识专家网友:浪者不回头
  • 2021-04-27 14:05
Eventually flapping into light Pour the butterfly United with you to send And the mirror The corridor footsteps echoed In class so dazzle also feel at this moment for FangHua or poison fruit is the time to be fair and the rain today closely Craziness regardless of color In the world, and Uncertainty can we all wish to leave In where? Craziness, regardless of IN the heart gave me act can we desire to keep to its when? Do you still remember that only down the legend of the butterfly's communication but a dreams were swept going to swim on earth by the sound like paradises inheriting the melody was convinced generation like tender to SOB In this enduring never stop the rain still hope for the future, heart, regardless of In the world all Craziness Uncertainty In the us to stay In where? IN Craziness, regardless of their respective gave me like dust and we will keep to it when? Some idea actually not to say no matter how to also cannot touch others out of the heart of the idea that some place I have ulterior when also don't like either have he yiyi Craziness, regardless of Uncertainty In the world for all, regardless of In Craziness gave me a bunch of light In dust condensed Craziness, regardless of Uncertainty In the world living heart gave me Craziness, regardless of dust collect as instant moved In Uncertainty, regardless of the living world Craziness Craziness, eyes In auto-reconnect gave me up by tourists, regardless of Uncertainty In the world all Craziness and warm memories In Craziness gave me into a contract placed destined separation