Our company was established in 1995. We are located in the source of geese and ducks - Luan City, which is famous of West Anhui White Geese. We have been one of the leading manufacturers of down & feathers, down & feather home textile products and shuttlecocks since we began our direct export business in 1997. Owning to 4 sets of washing and sorting equipment and 400 sets of high speed sewing machines, we can finish 2500 pieces of ready-made down quilts and 100 tons of feathers every day. We ...[详细介绍]

Luan Rose Feather & Down Sells Co., Ltd.

商铺版本: Mip版 电脑版
企业地址: 安徽六安
企业电话: 0564-3315902
企业传真: 0564-3342830
所在地: 安徽/六安市
经营范围: Washed white duck down,Washed white goose down,Washed grey duck down,Washed grey goose down,Washed white duck feather,
企业类型: 企业单位 ()
注册年份: 2000